S&T to host Camp Invention for kids again this summer

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On February 3, 2009

Camp Invention, a math and science camp for students entering grades one through six, will again be held at Missouri University of Science and Technology this summer.

Camp Invention is a nationwide day camp where children participate in hands-on activities to learn more about science, math, history and the arts. At the camp, children use their imaginations and problem solving skills to invent things and figure out how machines work.

The camp’s curriculum has been carefully designed and tested to ensure that children are laughing and creating while learning about sound scientific principles. Camp Invention was created by the National Inventors Hall of Fame with support from the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Two sessions of Camp Invention will be offered this summer at Missouri S&T. The Discover Program is scheduled for June 1-5 and the Explore Program will be held July 13-17. Each session costs $185 per child, with a $5 discount for online registrations. For more information, including registration forms, visit Missouri S&T’s Center for Pre-College Programs at precollege.mst.edu/ or the Camp Invention website at www.campinvention.org.

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On February 3, 2009. Posted in News, Top Headlines