Fifteen faculty members at Missouri University of Science and Technology received promotions or tenure effective Sept. 1. Those faculty members are:
– Dr. Ronald Bieniek, promoted to professor of physics
– Dr. Martin Bohner, promoted to professor of mathematics and statistics
– Dr. Joel Burken, promoted to professor of civil engineering
– Dr. Keith Corzine, promoted to professor of electrical and computer engineering
– Dr. Michael Davis, promoted to associate professor of economics with tenure
– Dr. Kate Drowne, promoted to associate professor of English and technical communication with tenure
– Dr. Xiaoping Du, promoted to associate professor of mechanical engineering with tenure
– Dr. William Fahrenholtz, promoted to professor of materials science and engineering
– Dr. Chang-Soo Kim, promoted to associate professor of electrical and computer engineering with tenure
– Dr. Bih-Ru Lea, promoted to associate professor of business administration and information science and technology with tenure
– Dr. Jennifer Leopold, promoted to associate professor of computer science with tenure
– Dr. Anne Maglia, promoted to associate professor of biological sciences with tenure
– Dr. Robert Stone, promoted to professor of interdisciplinary engineering
– Dr. Daniel Tauritz, promoted to associate professor of computer science with tenure
– Dr. Shoaib Usman, promoted to associate professor of nuclear engineering