The Formula Car Team from Missouri University of Science and Technology
placed second overall in an intercollegiate design and racing competition April
23-26 at the Virginia International Raceway.
Approximately 50 teams competed in the event, which was won by the
University of Wisconsin. The teams were judged in several presentation and
performance categories, including acceleration tests that resemble drag races
and an endurance test. Judges also evaluated cost and design.
Prizes are awarded to teams that do well in the individual categories.
Missouri S&T is bringing home $4,400, six Hoosier tires and three sets of
Goodyear tires.
According to Missouri S&T crew member Neil Schreiber, the team plans to
work on its skid-pad performance and its sales presentation between now and the
next competition, which is set for May 14-18 at Michigan Speedway.
“We want to have a better chance to fight for first place in Michigan two
weeks from now,” says Schreiber, a junior in mechanical engineering from
Missouri S&T’s miniature Indy-style racing car has a top speed of about
85 mph. Some 40 S&T students are involved in every stage of creating the
racing machine, from computer modeling to welding the car’s steel frame.
Each year, the students design and manufacture a new car for various