Whether it’s explosives, robotics or space exploration, Missouri University
of Science and Technology offers summer programs to suit the interests of
nearly any child.
From Camp Invention, a day camp for children in the first through sixth
grades, to Nuclear Engineering Camp for high school juniors and seniors,
Missouri S&T has a wide range of hands-on summer programs focusing on
science, technology and engineering.
“When children come to camps at Missouri S&T, they are going to have
fun, interact and be engaged,” says William Perkins, director of Missouri
S&T’s Center for Pre-College Programs. “That’s one of the strong points of
our programs – they are hands-on, and the children get one-on-one
Missouri S&T wants to take the curiosity children have about the world
around them and turn it into a love of math, science and technology that will
remain with them for a lifetime. During the months of June and July, more than
a dozen camps are offered in a variety of disciplines.
“Because of the decreasing number of students interested in studying
science, technology and engineering, we want to get kids’ attentions early and
keep them focused,” says Perkins.
Campers will get the opportunity to experience life on the Missouri S&T
campus, learn about college life from student counselors and receive
instruction from university faculty. And the best part is, they’ll do it all
while having a blast with children from around the nation who share their
interests and appetite for discovery.
So, if blowing up watermelons, building robots and gazing at the stars sound
like a summer dream-come-true, visit Missouri S&T online at summer.mst.edu for information and a full list
of programs. Online registration for this summer’s sessions also is available
on the web.