20 new faculty members at UMR this fall

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On September 28, 2007

Twenty new faculty members began teaching and research at the University of Missouri-Rolla this fall.

The new faculty are:

Akim Adekpedjou, assistant professor, mathematics and statistics

Kwame Awauh-Offei, assistant professor, mining and nuclear engineering

Hojong Baik, assistant professor, civil, architectural and environmental engineering

Michael Bruening, assistant professor, history and political science

Robert Cesario, assistant professor, arts, languages and philosophy

Yu-Hsien Chiu, lecturer, business administration

John Cimics, assistant professor, arts, languages and philosophy

Elizabeth Cudney, assistant professor, engineering management and systems engineering

Cassie Elrod, lecturer, business administration

Jun Fan, assistant professor, electrical and computer engineering

Serhat Hosder, assistant professor, mechanical and aerospace engineering

Chih-Mao Shieh, assistant professor, business administration

Yingchou Lin, lecturer, business administration

Zhen Liu, assistant professor, engineering management and systems engineering

Audra Merfeld-Langston, assistant professor, arts, languages and philosophy

Runar Nygaard, assistant professor of petroleum engineering, geological sciences and engineering

Jorge Porcel, assistant professor, arts, languages and philosophy

Thomas Weigert, St. Clair Chair of Computer Science

David Wright, assistant professor of English and technical communication

Chengshan Xao, assistant professor, electrical and computer engineering.


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On September 28, 2007. Posted in People