UMR group to sponsor 5K race for breast cancer awareness

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On August 22, 2006

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the Student Wellness Program at the University of Missouri-Rolla is co-sponsoring a 5-kilometer race to increase awareness of the disease.

The Pink Ladies 5K Fun Run/Walk will begin at 9 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 9, at the Havener Center on the UMR campus. For participants who register for the race prior to 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 8, the entry fee is $15. The fee will be $17 the day of the race.

Entry forms are available on campus at Student Health Services, 12th and Pine streets; at the UMR TECHS office, Room 217 of the Havener Center; and at Key Sport and The Centre, both located in Rolla.

Proceeds from the race will go to the Phelps Regional Healthcare Foundation to increase breast cancer awareness and provide mammograms to women who are underinsured, says Ashley Mattli, health educator at UMR.

“The race is open to everyone, not just women,” Mattli says. “Last year, the community helped us raise almost $3,000 for breast cancer awareness. Our goal this year is to increase the amount to $3,500 by increasing participation and community donations. We’re very excited about the fifth annual Pink Ladies 5K Fun Run/Walk.”

For more information about the Pink Ladies 5K Run/Walk contact Mattli at UMR Student Health Services at 573-341-4225.

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On August 22, 2006. Posted in Events