High school juniors and seniors who love working with computers and digital technology can still register for the Computer Highly Interactive Program (CHIP) Camp to be held July 23-27 at the University of Missouri-Rolla.
Campers will complete hands-on projects in computer science, computer engineering and information science and technology. Other activities will include lab experiments, Tech Talk guest speakers, duct-tape raft races, gaming tournaments and pool parties.
Students attending this camp can either spend the week on campus and lodge at UMR’s Thomas Jefferson Residence Hall or commute to camp every day. The camp fee is $375 for those residing on campus and $275 for those who will commute. Either choice will give campers a chance to meet new people and explore new technology.
For more information about the UMR CHIP Camp, contact the UMR office of distance and continuing education at (573) 341-4442. More information can also be found online at dce.mst.edu.