Sample international delicacies and be entertained by cultural performances from countries around the world as part of International Students Day Sunday, March 12, at the University of Missouri-Rolla.
International Students Day is an opportunity for UMR students, staff and faculty, and area residents to learn more about the variety of cultures and customs of UMR’s international students. It is also designed to promote cross-cultural interactions and friendship among all students.
All events are open to the public. Admission to the exhibits and entertainment is free.
Exhibits will be on display from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Havener Center on the UMR campus. A 10-course international buffet luncheon will be served from noon to 2 p.m. in the Havener Center food court and cafeteria.
Buffet tickets are $7 for the general public and $5 for students and may be purchased at the Havener Center from noon to 1 p.m. Monday, March 6, through Friday, March 10. Tickets will also be on sale at the door on the day of the luncheon. Children under 10 eat for free. UMR students can use their meal plans to pay for the tickets.
Following the lunch, a cultural show will be held at 2 p.m. The program features dance and vocal performances, belly dancing, a step show performed by members of Kappa Alpha Psi and Alpha Phi Alpha and Indian, Chinese and Latin dancing, as well as performances from Turkey, Jordan and India. The performances will be followed by a fashion show.
International Students Day is organized by the UMR International Students Club with assistance from the UMR Student Union Board, UMR’s African Students Association, Chinese Students and Scholars Association, India Association, Thai Students Association, Turkish Association, Vietnamese Students Association, the UMR chapter of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, and Iranian, Saudi, Korean, Syrian, Croatian, Nepalese, Sri Lankan, Polish, Italian and Serbian students.
International Students Day is sponsored by UMR Student Council, the UMR Student Union Board, the UMR department of international affairs, Phelps County Bank and Investment Realty Inc.
For more information email the group at