There’s something funny going on inside Castleman Hall.
Temporarily displaced from their normal rehearsal space, members of the Perfect 10 Improv Group huddle in one of the lobby’s alcoves. The “improvites” take the relocation in stride.
“The great thing about improv is you can do it anywhere,” says Mitchell Neilhoff, a freshman in chemical engineering. “Except the bathroom,” chimes Daniel Bush, a freshman in business management, “because we have both guys and girls in the group.”
Started in 1997 and recognized as an official student organization three years ago, the group performs at university-sponsored activities like PRO Days (Preview, Registration and Orientation) as well as off-campus events.
To keep their funny bones in shape, the group holds two rehearsals every week, where members loosen up with strangely named exercises like Zip Zap Zoop or Do Run Run. As the rehearsal goes on, the lobby transforms from a party to an interrogation room to a Broadway stage.
“This gives me a good break from math and science and let’s me clear my head,” says Chuck Williams, a senior in physics who has been with the group four years. “We’re proof that there are people on campus who can think with both sides of their brains.”