Students to pitch ideas in elevator environment

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On April 6, 2005

In April, students at the University of Missouri-Rolla will have two minutes, about the duration of an average elevator ride, to communicate a business idea or concept and compete for cash prizes.

An "Elevator Pitch" competition will be held from 3-5 p.m. Tuesday, April 26, in Ozark Room 207-B of the Havener Center on the UMR campus. The contest is free and open to all UMR students, who may enter in groups of four or fewer. The first-place group will take home $250. Second-place winners will split $150 and third place has a $100 value.

The campus community and general pubic are invited to attend the event.

"The idea is to practice pitching a concept to a potential investor," says Dr. Eric Anderson, business development specialist at the Center for Entrepreneurship and Outreach (CEO) at UMR. "In this contest, those who successfully communicate the potential of their idea to judges will win."

April 10 is the deadline to submit topics and group names. The deadline to submit power point slides is April 20. All submissions should be sent to Siddharth Shinde, a graduate research assistant in mechanical engineering and president of the UMR Technical Innovators and Entrepreneurs Society (TIES), at

The "Elevator Pitch" competition is sponsored by the CEO at UMR, TIES and the UMR School of Management and Information Systems.

For more information, contact Anderson at or at (573)-341-4690.

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On April 6, 2005. Posted in News