Corporate Development Council hosts awards banquet at UMR

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On April 22, 2005

Eleven campus leadership awards were presented April 21 during the annual Outstanding Student Leaders’ Banquet and Awards Ceremony at the Havener Center on the University of Missouri-Rolla campus.

The banquet and awards were sponsored by the Corporate Development Council (CDC), the UMR Student Council, the UMR chapter of the Blue Key National Honor Fraternity, Omicron Delta Kappa (a national leadership honor society), Order of Omega (a national Greek honor society).

Emily M. Hackworth, a junior in chemistry from Rolla, Mo., received the Most Spirited Missouri Miner Award, which included a cash award sponsored by Blue Key. This award is presented to a student whose show of campus spirit is truly stellar. The award is judged on the student’s ability to spread spirit throughout the campus with his or her actions and words.

Kappa Sigma fraternity received the Remarkable Student Organization Award. This award is given to a student group that shows outstanding commitment to the principles of leadership on which the University of Missouri-Rolla was founded. They will have shown dedication to their chosen purpose and significant contributions to the university.

Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity received the Organizational Community Service Award. This award is given to a student group that demonstrates very high dedication to the service of the community at large. The award is judged based on the amount and quality of community service, as well as its betterment of the university’s standing in the community. This award is intended for groups whose chosen purpose is other than community service.

General Delegation of Independents received the Most Improved Organization Award. This award is given to a student organization that demonstrates significant growth from the previous school year. This growth should be in the form of redefining the organization’s focus, better achieving that focus, and overall improvement in stature and contributions to the university.

The Individual Community Service Award, which included a cash award sponsored by Blue Key, was presented to Michael L. Murray, a senior in mechanical engineering from Ballwin, Mo. The award is given to a student who has pursued community service to its utmost limits. The student is judged both on the quality and the quantity of the community service, as well as its contributions to UMR’s standing in the community.

The Extraordinary Student Leadership Award, which included a cash award sponsored by the UMR Department of Student Affairs, was presented to William Atkins, a senior in computer science from Hooker, Okla., and Julia C. Rosemann, a senior in engineering management from Maryland Heights, Mo. The award was established to raise the bar concerning what a student leader could accomplish. It is designed to honor individuals who have been outstanding campus leaders, not just good organization leaders.

The Student Council Member of the Year Award was presented to Jeffrey Gittemeier, a senior in mechanical engineering from Troy, Mo. The award is presented to a member who has shown exceptional dedication to Student Council and has served on the council for at least three years.

The Student Council Rookie of the Year Award was presented to Beth Groenke, a freshman in engineering management from Gerald, Mo. The award is presented to a Student Council member who has served for less than a year. The recipient is selected by secret ballot.

The Outstanding Student Advocate Award, which included a cash award sponsored by Blue Key, was presented to Elizabeth R. Kubicek, a graduate student in electrical engineering from Springfield, Mo. The award is presented to a student or faculty or staff member who has shown outstanding dedication to the pursuit of the cause of the students of UMR. The award is judged based on the contributions to the betterment of student lives affected by the candidate.

The Extraordinary Faculty/Staff Award was presented to Mark Potrafka, director of student life at UMR. The award is presented to the faculty or staff member who is judged to have best supported the development of personal and leadership skills in the classroom, through advising, or in any other role related to the university.

The Corporate Development Council is composed of MSM-UMR alumni and others who work together to strengthen the university through their participation in campus activities and events. For more information, visit the CDC’s website at .

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On April 22, 2005. Posted in News