Front row, from left: Daryl Beetner, Marco Cavaglia, Lorie Francis, Robert Woodley, DongHyun Kim, Amy Belfi, Daniel Shank, Melanie Mormile and Shane Epting. Back row, from left: Lana Alagha, Jonghyun Park, Shun Saito, Catherine Johnson, David Lipke, Laura Bartlett, Jillian Schmidt, Kathleen Sheppard, Michelle Schwartze, Major Jessie Evans and Pourya Shamsi.
Missouri S&T celebrated faculty excellence at an awards luncheon Dec. 4 in the Havener Center on campus. Honorees include:
Dr. Colin Potts, provost and executive vice chancellor for academic affairs, recognized 29 faculty members for excellence and achievement in teaching, research and service. Additionally, the provost recognized the Governor’s Teaching Award recipient.
The Faculty Achievement Award recognizes non-tenure-track faculty who have demonstrated sustained excellence in two of the following areas: teaching, research and service. Recipients are:
The Faculty Excellence Award recognizes tenured or tenure-track faculty members who have demonstrated sustained excellence in teaching, research and service. Recipients are:
The Faculty Research Award recognizes faculty members who have demonstrated excellence in research and scholarship. Recipients are:
The Faculty Service Award recognizes faculty who display exemplary, sustained service to the university and to their profession. Recipients are:
The Faculty Teaching Award recognizes faculty members who have demonstrated excellence in teaching and teaching-related activities. Recipients are:
The Governor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching is presented each year to one outstanding faculty member from each University of Missouri System campus. The award is based on effective teaching, innovative course design and delivery, effective advising, service to the university community, and success in nurturing student achievement. S&T’s recipient is:
Dr. Robin Gore, vice chancellor for student success, recognized three faculty for their roles in service and experiential learning.
The Experiential Learning Award recognizes faculty who require undergraduate students to go beyond mastering basic skills and knowledge in the application of that material to problem-solving challenges. These activities involve collaborative and reflective learning and allow students to learn in environments that align with their aptitudes. The recipients are:
The Service Learning Award recognizes faculty who involve or influence undergraduate students in academic service learning or community service activities outside the classroom. The recipient is:
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