S&T student, faculty members receive UM System President’s Awards

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On May 9, 2013

Two faculty members and a student from Missouri University of Science and Technology have been chosen to receive President’s Awards, the highest honor bestowed by the University of Missouri System, for excellence among the university’s four mission areas of teaching, research, service and economic development.

  • Christa Weisbrook, director of academic programs in the UM System office of academic affairs, presented the President’s Award to Suzanna Long.

  • Wayne Huebner, center, pictured with Christa Weisbrook, director of academic programs in the UM System office of academic affairs, and William G. Fahrenholtz, Curators’ Professor of materials science and engineering.

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“These recipients represent our finest faculty and students, and the University of Missouri System is what it is because of their hard work and dedication,” says UM System President Tim Wolfe. “Every day, each one of them makes a difference in the lives of Missouri’s citizens and truly advances our state — and nation.” The award recipients were announced in April. The awards will be presented at a dinner on June 13 with the University of Missouri Board of Curators. Winners from Missouri S&T include:

Dr. Suzanna Long, assistant professor of engineering management and systems engineering, recipient of the President’s Award for Early Career Excellence for her research in the field of transportation infrastructures and organizations. The award recognizes faculty who exhibit exceptional promise in scholarship, research or creativity as substantiated by significant accomplishments within their first seven years with the university. Since joining the Missouri S&T faculty in 2008, Long has received 21 grants totaling more than $7 million.

Dr. Wayne Huebner, chair and professor of materials science and engineering, recipient of the President’s Award for Mentoring for his service and support of the faculty in his own department and across the S&T campus, as well as faculty within the UM System. The award recognizes faculty who have provided exemplary mentoring for other faculty.

Casey Burton, a senior in chemistry from Kaiser, Mo., recipient of the Student Entrepreneur of the Year Award for developing The Journal of Undergraduate and High School Research, a research journal aimed at high school and undergraduate students. The award honors students at one of the four University of Missouri System campuses who have shown entrepreneurial talent. Burton also produces a Minecraft gaming magazine called MCQuarterly and founded a company called Sapentia Development, which employs 30 people.

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On May 9, 2013.

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