Festivities for the 105th annual “best ever” St. Pat’s celebration are ready to begin at Missouri University of Science and Technology. The theme for this year’s celebration is “St. Pat’s in Outer Space.”
The campus celebration began in 1908, when a group of Rolla students declared that St. Patrick was the patron saint of engineers. St. Pat’s has since grown to encompass a full week of events, as well as campus traditions that begin in early March.
The schedule for the St. Pat’s celebration at Missouri S&T is as follows:
- Monday, March 4, through Thursday, March 7: Snake Invasion (students club plastic snakes on campus with large decorative sticks called shillelaghs).
- Saturday, March 9: the Coterie St. Pat’s Ball, including a four-course dinner and dancing to live music, 5:30 p.m. in the St. Pat’s Ballroom of the Havener Center. Contact Dilek Acar at dilek@rollanet.org for more information.
- Monday, March 11: St. Pat’s Follies, noon at the Puck, a campus landmark located in front of Toomey Hall.
- Tuesday, March 12: St. Pat’s Follies, noon at the Puck.
- Wednesday, March 13: At approximately 11:45 a.m., St. Pat, portrayed by an S&T student, and his court will officially arrive in downtown Rolla aboard the traditional manure spreader. They will then proceed from the south end of Pine Street to the Rolla Band Shell for St. Pat’s Follies at noon; S&T student Blarney Bash carnival, 8 p.m. at the Gale Bullman Muti-Purpose Building, Student Recreation Center.
- Thursday, March 14: Gonzo Games, 10 a.m. on the painted street in front of the Havener Center; S&T student Blarney Bash talent show, 8 p.m. in the Havener Center.
- Friday, March 15: Gonzo Games, 10 a.m. on the painted street; S&T student Blarney Bash dodgeball tournament, 3 p.m. in the Gale Bullman Multi-Purpose Building, Student Recreation Center; Honorary Knights Banquet, 6 p.m. in the Havener Center; Coronation and Knighting Ceremony, 9 p.m. in Leach Theatre of Castleman Hall.
- Saturday, March 16: 7 a.m., Pine Street painting; 8:30 a.m., pre-parade party for alumni, family and their guests, Alumni Patio and Leach Theater lobby of Castleman Hall, 10th and Main streets; St. Patrick’s Day Parade, 11 a.m. on Pine Street in downtown Rolla; post-parade party, Alumni Patio and Leach Theater lobby, alumni family and their guests, approximately 12:30 p.m.; free concert open to the public, featuring Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and other bands, starting at approximately 1 p.m. at the Rolla Band Shell; S&T student Blarney Bash LAN (local area network) parties, 8 p.m. in Thomas Jefferson Hall.
For more information on the events listed, see the St. Pat’s Board website.
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