Missouri University of Science and Technology’s department of mechanical and aerospace engineering is sponsoring a Private Pilot Ground School this fall through Missouri S&T’s distance and continuing education program.
The 20-hour course will be held from 7-9:30 p.m. on Monday and Thursday evenings from Oct. 10 through Nov. 3 on the Missouri S&T campus.
The fee for the course is $90. A textbook will be available for purchase on the first day of the course for approximately $13, to be collected that evening. Do not include the textbook fee in registration payment. The registration deadline is Monday, Oct. 3.
The course will be taught by Robert B. Oetting, Missouri S&T professor emeritus of mechanical and aerospace engineering. He is an experienced pilot and licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration as a ground school instructor. The course is designed as a general introduction to aviation and to assist students in preparation for the FAA Private Pilot and the Sport Pilot written exams.
Register online at or call the Missouri S&T distance and continuing education office at 573-341-6222.