A Practical Mine Ventilation Design and Control short course will be offered by Missouri University of Science and Technology and the Western Mining Safety and Health Transition Center May 4-6, on Missouri S&T’s campus. Those who complete the course will receive 24 professional development hours.
This three-day course will provide a sufficient background to design and maintain an underground ventilation system. The materials taught apply to most underground situations, including coal, metal, and nonmetal mines, with the emphasis on practical applications.
The course is designed for ventilation and planning engineers, safety engineers and production, technical and supervisory personnel who require proficiency or a refresher course in mine ventilation. For the computer simulation section, experience on the use of computers is helpful but not necessary.
The conference director will be Dr. Jerry C. Tien, associate professor in mining engineering at Missouri S&T. Tien is a registered professional engineer in Kentucky with more than 36 years of ventilation-related work, research and teaching experience. Prior to Missouri S&T, Tien worked as a mine planning engineer for the White Pine Copper Co., as a ventilation specialist for Peabody Coal Co., and as vice president of technical service for Asian American Coal Inc. in China. He has extensive practical experience in ventilation system design, pressure surveys and cost evaluation, for both metal, non-metal and coal mines.
The fee of $995 covers program materials, three luncheons, coffee breaks and instructional costs. Advance registration is encouraged. Missouri S&T reserves the right to cancel the course and return all registration fees if the minimum registration is not received. No course refund is payable for cancellation after April 27.
For conference program information, go online, or contact Tien at 573-341-4757 or tien@mst.edu. For registration information, contact the Missouri S&T distance and continuing education office in Room 216 Centennial Hall, Rolla, Mo., 65409-1560; 573-341-6222; or dce@mst.edu.