28 faculty to receive awards at S&T

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On January 17, 2011

Twenty-eight Missouri University of Science and Technology faculty members will receive the Faculty Achievement, Research, Service or Teaching Award for 2010. Each award winner receives a $1,000 stipend funded by industry and alumni contributions. An awards ceremony will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 8.

Receiving the 2010 Achievement Award are:

— Merilee Krueger-Wilsdorf, assistant teaching professor, psychological sciences
— Jack Morgan, research professor, English and technical communication
— Dr. Daniel Reardon, lecturer, English and technical communication
— Dr. Mary Reidmeyer, associate teaching professor, materials science and engineering
— Dr. Bijaya Shrestha, associate teaching professor, electrical and computer engineering
— Harold Wagner Jr., lecturer, civil, architectural and environmental engineering
— Terry Wilson, teaching associate, biological sciences.

Receiving the 2010 Research Award are:

— Dr. William Fahrenholtz, professor, materials science and engineering
— Dr. Greg Hilmas, professor, materials science and engineering
— Dr. Yue-Wern Huang, associate professor, biological sciences
— Dr. Ulrich Jentschura, assistant professor, physics
— Dr. Frank Liou, professor, mechanical and aerospace engineering
— Dr. John McManus, associate professor, history and political science
— Dr. Thomas Vojta, associate professor, physics
— Dr. Jianmin Wang, associate professor, civil, architectural and environmental engineering
— Dr. Chengshan Xiao, professor, electrical and computer engineering
— Dr. Lifeng Zhang, assistant professor, materials science and engineering.

Receiving the 2010 Service Award are:

— Dr. Curt Elmore, associate professor, geological sciences and engineering
— Dr. William Fahrenholtz, professor, materials science and engineering
— Dr. Ronald Frank, associate professor, biological sciences
— Dr. Richard Stephenson, professor, civil, architectural and environmental engineering
— Dr. Steve Watkins, professor, electrical and computer engineering.

Receiving the 2010 Teaching Award are:

— Dr. Eric Bryan, assistant professor, English and technical communication
— Dr. Anne Cotterill, associate professor, English and technical communication
— Dr. Jennifer Leopold, associate professor, computer science
— Dr. John McManus, associate professor, history and political science
— Dr. Gary Mueller, associate professor, mining and nuclear engineering
— Dr. David Westenberg, associate professor, biological sciences.

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On January 17, 2011. Posted in News, Top Headlines