A team of four engineering management students from Missouri University of Science and Technology finished second in a recent national case study competition sponsored by the American Society for Engineering Management.
The Missouri S&T team participated in the ASEM’s Engineering Management Undergraduate Student Case Competition as part of ASEM’s annual conference, held Oct. 13-16 in Rogers, Ark. The S&T team was made up of Brandon Bier, a senior in engineering management from Saginaw, Mich.; Robert Cornett, a senior in engineering management from De Soto, Mo.; Curt McDonald, a senior in mechanical engineering from Rolla; and Sean Schmidt, a senior in engineering management from Lake Saint Louis, Mo.
Teams were presented with a business case study from the Harvard Business Review and were then given 4-6 hours to formulate their recommendations. Each team had 15 minutes to present its solutions to a panel of judges.
Dr. Beth Cudney, assistant professor of engineering management and systems engineering, advised the student team. This is the fourth year that a Missouri S&T team has participated in the competition.