S&T faculty receive tenure, promotions

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On September 27, 2010

Thirteen faculty members at Missouri University of Science and Technology received promotions or tenure effective Sept. 1. Those faculty members are:

  • Dr. Mohamed Abdel Salam, promoted to professor of geological sciences and engineering
  • Dr. Daryl Beetner, promoted to professor of electrical and computer engineering
  • Dr. Mehdi Ferdowsi, promoted to associate professor of electrical and computer engineering with tenure
  • Dr. Ralph Flori, promoted to department chair of geological sciences and engineering
  • Dr. Kelly Liu, promoted to professor of geological sciences and engineering
  • Dr. Ronaldo Luna, promoted to professor of civil, architectural and environmental engineering
  • Dr. Melanie Mormile, promoted to professor of biological sciences
  • Dr. Kathryn Northcut, promoted to associate professor of English and technical communication with tenure
  • Dr. David Pommerenke, promoted to professor of electrical and computer engineering
  • Dr. Shoaib Usman, associate professor of mining and nuclear engineering, awarded tenure
  • Dr. Trent Watts, promoted to associate professor of English and technical communication with tenure
  • Dr. Chengshan Xiao, promoted to professor of electrical and computer engineering
  • Dr. Hai Xiao, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, awarded tenure.

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On September 27, 2010. Posted in News, Top Headlines