Darlene Ramsay, director of advancement services at Missouri S&T, was honored for her service with the Miner Alumni Association during a banquet held in Jefferson City April 21. The honor was awarded by the University of Missouri Alliance of Alumni Associations and Extension during the group’s 2009 Outstanding Alumni Service Awards Dinner.
Ramsay earned a bachelor of science degree in metallurgical engineering from Missouri S&T in 1984. Prior to her position, she served as a research specialist at Missouri S&T’s Graduate Center for Materials Research. She has also held positions as a business instructor, quality assurance manager and a metallurgical engineer.
Ramsay is past president of the Miner Alumni Association and has served on the campus’ Board of Trustees. She is currently a member of the University of Missouri System’s Alumni Alliance and the Missouri S&T Order of the Golden Shillelagh. She serves as co-chair of the scholarship committee of the Women’s Auxiliary to the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers and is the recruitment and panhellenic advisor for Chi Omega sorority.