Spring commencement ceremonies at Missouri University of Science and
Technology are scheduled for May 16-17.
A ceremony for graduate candidates will be held at 6 p.m. Friday, May 16, in
the Gale Bullman Multi-Purpose Building, 10th Street and Bishop Avenue, Rolla.
A ceremony for undergraduates will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, May 17, in the
multi-purpose building.
Approximately 600 undergraduates and 200 graduate students are expected to
receive degrees. Dr. William Wulf, former president of the National Academy of
Engineering, will speak at both ceremonies.
People with sight, hearing and mobility impairments who are planning to
attend commencement should call 573-341-6314 by Friday, May 9, for the
university to provide reasonable accommodations.
More information is available at http://registrar.mst.edu/commencement/index.html