UMR shines in annual CASE competition

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On January 25, 2007

The University of Missouri-Rolla received seven awards for alumni relations, media relations, publications, radio production, and video and DVD production from the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) during the CASE District VI conference held Jan. 21-23 in Kansas City, Mo.

CASE is the international organization for educational advancement. Its membership is comprised of college, university and independent school staff members in the areas of alumni relations, communications and marketing, and philanthropy.

More than 1,000 entries were received for the CASE District VI awards from 70 colleges, universities and independent schools in Missouri, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming.

UMR received one grand gold, two gold, two silver awards and one bronze award during the conference. In addition, UMR received a Sweepstakes Award for its enrollment category, 5,000-7,499 students. The awards were as follows:

A Grand Gold Award for Excellence in Mutimedia CD/DVD, for “Lessons from Bolivia,” a promotional DVD about a research trip to the Bolivia by UMR’s chapter of Engineers Without Borders created and produced by Tom Shipley, manager of video productions. This video also won a Bronze Award for Excellence in Multimedia Video

A Gold Award for Excellence in Multimedia CD/DVD, for Shipley’s “Center for Aerospace Manufacturing Technologies,” a promotional DVD about the new and interesting technologies under development. The DVD was created and produced by Shipley.

A Gold Award for Excellence in Communications – Overall Publications, Publications Improvement Program for the redesigned UMR Magazine, formerly the MSM-UMR Alumnus.

The quarterly alumni magazine is designed by the publications staff and produced by the offices of publications, public relations, and alumni and constituent relations. The award is shared by publications staff members Rebecca Frisbee, manager; communications specialists Megan Kean, Ian Nance and Joann Stiritz; and Linda Fulps, administrative assistant of communications.

A Silver Award for Excellence in Institutional Relations – Overall Media Placement Program, for the annual media placement efforts of the office of public relations. The award is shared by Mary Helen Stoltz, manager, communications specialists Lance Feyh and Mindy Limback, and John Kean, senior information specialist-sports.

A Silver Award for Excellence in Multimedia Radio for the UMR research radio program “TechnoFiles.” The program is hosted by Dr. Wayne Huebner, chair of materials science and engineering, along with KUMR’s General Manager Jim Sigler. It is produced by John Francis, and engineered by Chuck Knapp, with assistance from Limback.

All of the offices to receive the awards are within the Division of University Advancement at UMR, and the awards were for projects and activities that occurred between Oct. 1, 2005, and Sept. 30, 2006.

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On January 25, 2007. Posted in News

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