University of Missouri-Rolla Chancellor Gary Thomas has proclaimed April 13 "Undergraduate Research Day" at UMR. Students campuswide will participate in the first annual UMR Undergraduate Research Conference Wednesday, April 13, at the Havener Center on campus.
The conference, which will include the presentation of $12,000 dollars in cash awards to students, is co-sponsored by Brewer Science Inc. of Rolla and the UMR Office of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies. Seventy students have entered poster or oral presentation projects in four different research categories. The categories are engineering, humanities and social sciences, natural sciences, and management and information systems.
The conference is scheduled to begin with registration at 8 a.m., followed by a welcoming address from Dr. Harvest Collier, professor of chemistry and vice provost of undergraduate and graduate studies.
"This conference serves as a clear demonstration that experiential learning is desired by our students and our faculty," Collier says. "UMR promotes hands-on learning at all levels and in all disciplines."
According to Collier, students’ varied research interests will be reflected in presentations on topics ranging from studies in nuclear engineering to music. In fact, Collier says, "a group of music students is doing a vocal performance as part of an oral presentation."
Oral sessions and poster sessions will run concurrently from 9-11:30 a.m. and afternoon sessions are scheduled from 1-3 p.m. Keith Strassner, assistant director of alliances and planning at Brewer Science, will present a keynote address during a luncheon held for the students between sessions. Strassner earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from UMR in 1979.
UMR faculty members will judge oral and poster contestants on composition, achievement and presentation. Cash prizes will be awarded to oral and poster contestants in each of the four research categories for first place ($750), second place ($500) and third place ($250) during a ceremony at 4 p.m.
A reception for students will be held at 5 p.m. in the Miner Lounge of the Havener Center.
The public is invited to attend oral presentations and view posters, which will be on display in the Havener Center all day.